Benefits of Engagement in Motorsport

There are many benefits to engagement in motorsport. These link to many of the outcomes outlined within the Draft Programme for Government 2016-21 (PfG). Those to which our sport can contribute include:

  • PFG Outcome 1
    We prosper through a strong, competitive, regionally balanced economy
  • PFG Outcome 4
    We enjoy long, healthy, active lives
  • PFG Outcome 5
    We are an innovative, creative society where people can fulfil their potential
  • PFG Outcome 7
    We have a safe community where we respect the law and each other
  • PFG Outcome 9
    We are a shared, welcoming and confident society that respects diversity
  • PFG Outcome 10
    We have created a place where people want to live and work, to visit and invest

Our strategy has identified a number of actions which will assist us to contribute to the achievement of these outcomes. We aim to build new relationships and partnerships with both central and local government, with Sport NI and others in moving our strategy forward.